Our dedicated team of GPs, nurses, allied health professionals and specialists provide care across our medical clinics in Ipswich, Annerley, Meadowbrook, St Lucia,
Toowong and Gatton.
Cornwall Street Medical Centre (Woolloongabba) (Cornwall Street Medical Centre (Woolloongabba))
UQ Gatton Medical Centre (UQ Gatton Medical Centre)
Bremer Medical Centre (Ipswich) (Bremer Medical Centre (Ipswich))
Meadowbrook Medical Centre (Meadowbrook) (Meadowbrook Medical Centre (Meadowbrook))
UQ St Lucia Medical Centre (UQ St Lucia Medical Centre)
UQ Healthy Living (Toowong) (UQ Healthy Living (Toowong))
Logan Healthy Living (Meadowbrook) (Logan Healthy Living (Meadowbrook))
South Brisbane Medicare Urgent Care Clinic (Woolloongabba) (South Brisbane Medicare Urgent Care Clinic (Woolloongabba))
Services for those experiencing homelessness or hardship (South Brisbane) (Services for those experiencing homelessness or hardship (South Brisbane))