Exercise is good for the brain, but what type is best?
April 24, 2019
Exercise may help improve brain health and prevent dementia, but what form of exercise is the most effective? That question is the focus of a study in The University of Queensland’s School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences. Professor Jeff Coombes and his research team are part of a $2 million international study to find out what...
Tips to keep exam anxiety at bay
March 10, 2019
We spoke with Clinical Psychologist Dr Frank Walsh, based at the UQ Health Care Gatton Clinic about tips students can use to find more clarity, calm and focus during the semester and leading up to exams. Study effectively Reduce anxiety by being well prepared. Spread your studying over the whole term rather than “cramming.” Feeling...
Plan to travel safe overseas
February 1, 2019
Travelling overseas over your uni break? Have you booked in for your immunisations? Registered nurse Jo-Ann Hoban based at the UQ Health Care Gatton Clinic shares what you need to know about travel vaccines. If you travel outside Australia, you may get sick from a number of diseases that are preventable by vaccination. Different vaccines...
Everything you can possibly do to avoid the dreaded flu
August 3, 2018
We are already over half way through Winter, however the peak flu season hasn’t hit yet. Data from Flutracking, a survey backed by various Australian and New Zealand government health bodies shows that in Australia on average, between 2012 and 2016, the peak flu season didn’t hit until August. So as more people around you...
Tips on how to maintain optimal health during exams
June 13, 2018
UQ Health Care’s Clinical Director, Dr Rosy has provided five health tips to avoid bad habits, minimise stress and maintain a healthy lifestyle to achieve your best results during exams. Sleep hygiene Less sleep is expected this time of year with increasing demands but try to approach seven hours a night if possible. Some nights...
Placement affirms student’s pursuit to work with children
February 22, 2018
A physiotherapy assessment provided by a University of Queensland student gave a five year old girl the chance to learn without difficulties. Physiotherapy student, Gabriella McCosker completed a five week clinical placement at SPARK Child Wellbeing, a service for children with developmental, behavioural and learning difficulties.